Thursday, August 29, 2019

New iPhone Release Date

New iPhone 11

New iPhone Release Date 

The new iPhone, iPhone 11, was recently announced to release September 10th of this year. Many rumors have been floating around as to what this new addition of the phone will entail. Some suggest that Apple has created a phone that will have a rainbow finish and will also be available in multiple colors. It has also been rumored that the new iPhones will get progressively smaller. The idea that the new phone will be foldable however has been laid to rest. There is still much more time needed for this kind of technology to be developed and mass produced. Many hope that the iPhone 11 will have 5G, a better camera, and even better glass that is much harder to break. 

So what does a new iPhone mean? Many people with older versions of iPhones will be forced to upgrade due to the newest ios. The more new phones come out, the more the old ones are less likely to function. All eyes will be on Apple with the release of this new device. Technology is always improving and new devices are always hitting the market. This makes for a society that is always changing digitally and relying on the newest and latest ways to communicate. 

For me personally, the many different iPhones evolve at a pace too fast to keep up with. Not only that, new devices that hit the market are too expensive to afford. For that reason, I am constantly stuck with a version of the phone that is one or two generations behind. 

About Me

About me

My name is Amanda DiFabio and I am a junior majoring in strategic communications and minoring in photography. My studies primarily focus on advertising, public relations, marketing and design. After graduating, I am looking to pursue a career in the advertising and marketing field while also continuing with my personal photography business. More specifically, my hope is to find a job in the health communications field. My personal photography business is called DiFabio Photos, and I have worked with local business's in Charlotte as well as taking senior, family, and prom photos. My passion for photography is what made me consider communications to begins with. I love design things and consider myself a very creative person.

Recently, I have accepted 2 internships positions which I continue to do while at school. One of them is for a local business in the Charlotte area. I work with their marketing and advertising department and create social media content for them. The other internship I have accepted entails working with a new medical device that is in the process of launching. I collect sales and statistics for them. 

Aside from school and work, I am a total gym buff and health freak. I love green drinks and eat kale like I never will again. Taking care of my health and working out are things that I was grateful enough to have been taught by my parents upon entering early adulthood. Working out especially has become an outlet for me to deal with stress and anxiety. Without it, college would be an even harder experience than it already is.

What I have Learned

What I have Learned...... I found that I was able to use blogger as a way to learn more about the topics we covered in cla...