Sunday, December 8, 2019

What I have Learned

What I have Learned......

I found that I was able to use blogger as a way to learn more about the topics we covered in class. For my blogs, I decided to go along with the concepts and ideas we covered, and did not veer off on my own. 

I was able to more indepthly learn about ideas we discussed such as privacy and gatekeeping through the research I did for my writing. I utilized notes, informational videos and articles that discussed each topic in order to do this. 

Before this class, I had never used blogger and had never written a blog post in general. Doing these assignments gave me the total blog experience. Blogs are used for all kinds of things, and are becoming increasingly popular in todays world which revolves around the Internet and social media. 

Experts in a particular field use outlets like blogger to talk about topics they have a lot of knowledge about. Blogger is also a place you are likely to find answers to any questions you may have. They are full of information. 

Writing these blogs throughout the semester also helped me become a better writer in terms of fitting what I want to say in 500 words or less. I have found that it is a lot harder to grab peoples attention and write what you are trying to say in fewer words as opposed to many. 

In this class, I also used my freedom of speech, as stated in the first amendment, through the use of these blogs. I expressed my opinion on various topics, such as my blog about being lost in a world consumed with social media. 

On a more personal level, the thing I found the hardest about keeping up with my blog this semester was evenly spacing them out so that I didn't have to cram them all at the end. 

What I found enjoyable about keeping up with these blogs this semester was being able to more effectively learn about the topics covered. When I have to do research, and creatively write about them in my own words, I am able to better understand the information and learn more. 

For future students, I recommend that you plan and space out your blogs each week. This will help you keep up with them so that you don't have a lot of work to do at the end. I would also recommend that you use the blog prompts that are given to you. These prompts go along with the materials covered in class, and will give you a better understanding of what you are learning as opposed to just writing about any topic you find interesting. If you want to write about things that don't pertain to the class, I recommend starting another, more personal blog. 

What I have Learned

What I have Learned...... I found that I was able to use blogger as a way to learn more about the topics we covered in cla...