Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Workings of the U.S. Supreme Court

The Working's of the US Supreme Court 

The U.S. Supreme Court is the highest court in our nation. Many noteworthy and important cases that have shaped our country have been decided within its walls. And, although many know that the actions of the court are important, they do not know and understand its workings. 

Cases that come to The Court start with a petition. This is from someone or a group of some sort that wishes to have their particular situation examined by the justices. Many of these petitions arrive at once, with roughly 7000 coming a year. Whats unique about our particular justice and higher court system is that each justices decide which petitions to discuss. people appeal to the court when they believe a decision in the lower court was wrong or somehow unconstitutional. In total, their are 9 justices with one being the Chief Justice. They are appointed by presidents and serve for life. Throughout the world, judicial court systems use our justice system and Supreme Court as an example on how to model their own system. 

The justices of The Court are given the responsibility to make ruling decisions based on whether or not they align with our countries constitution. Our constitution is more than 200 years old and it is The Courts overall duty to ensure that all actions, rulings, and laws in the United States are constitutional and fall within the bounds of whats written in the document. 

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court is viewed as an equal and important part of our government. They also ensure with the doing of checks and balances that Congress and members of the executive branch act in accordance with the law. Justices take pride in their work and review each case thoroughly. Meeting at least once a week, they take the time to decide which cases to bring before them. Many cases have been dealt a large hand of controversy, but the justices remain respectful and make rulings based on the written word of the constitution. 

The Court, in my opinion, has a big job and this country and a lot of responsibilities. They should make decisions based on what is written in The Constitution and based on past precedent. It is their duty to not let personal opinions interfere with their decision making. For this reason, it is important that before making a court judge selection, that candidates are investigated and thought to be the best ones to fulfill this duty. 

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