Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Auditing My Social Media Accounts

Auditing My Own Social Media Accounts 

When auditing my own online footprint, I think its say to say that I make somewhat of an impact but it is for the most part small. It is however, enough that my name is still out there, and some of the things I do and say are visible. In the past, I have had my own website, DiFabio Photos. I used Wix to create it and paid to own the domain. Now, I primarily use my DiFabio Photos Instagram account to promote my photography because it is more accessible, easier to use and is free to use. On my own personal Instagram, I have roughly 2000 followers which consists of family, friends, mutual friends and those I have met over the years. I like to keep my accounts private for the most part, and not easily accessible to everyone. 

The social media sites I use are Facebook, Instagram, VSCO, Snapchat, Twitter and Tik Tok. I use Facebook to post photos and life updates for close friends and family. Primarily, the people that follow me on this platform are older family member the don't have other forms of social media. On this app, I have posted links to articles, given academic and career updates, and have shared things that I think of as significant. 

On my personal Instagram, I post images from my personal life while being careful about what I post. I know that my future employers will do research on me and look at my stuff, so I always keep things respectable for the people that follow me. Usually, I post things on my Instagram story about quotes that I find and new music that I am listening to. 

My professional Instagram is for my DiFabio Photos business. Here, I share images that I take and promote myself and my work. This has become somewhat of my online digital portfolio. In the bio of this account, I have linked my personal email and phone number so that people interested have the ability to contact me and make an appointment. 

My VSCO account consists of similar content from that of my personal Instagram. I use this app primarily for its image editing software.

Snapchat is a social media site that I spend the most of my online time using. I use it as a form of instant messaging with my close friends. On Snapchat, I share my day to day activities on my story and have conversations with my friends.

Twitter and Tik Tok are the apps I use solely for my own personal entertainment. On these platforms, I favorite and repost dumb statements and videos that I find funny. They are not serious forms of social media, instead my comedic relief.

From looking at my social media, a visitor could infer that I have a love of photography and music. They could also tell that I love to travel and experience new things. A majority of posts are of me going to new places and sharing them with my followers.

In regards to private information, I have voluntarily given out my email and phone number for each of the platforms I use. Most of the time, you have to divulge these things in order to create an account in the first place. Other than this, the only other information I have given our is my gender and birthday on apps like Facebook. 



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